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Our Story: TuffHill eBikes and the New Bike in Town

Steph Tuff

Updated: May 27, 2022

How four friends bonding over biking barriers led to Calgary's new e-bike company.

TuffHill eBikes is a story of reconnection to simplicity. A casual unfolding of seemingly insignificant moments among four ordinary people.

It wasn't until we relived the moments out loud with each other that we saw the connection. We all enjoyed biking but somehow it had become complicated.

One summer night, while bonding over roast hotdogs and cold beer those insignificant moments became the inspiration to build a bike for us ordinary Calgary folk. A bike that would not only overcome our biking barriers but reconnect us to the fun and simplicity of riding that we all loved.

Our Biking Barriers


"On the way home from a fun day exploring new parks with my kids, my bike chain snapped while pulling them up a hill. I love towing my kids but I hate pulling them up Calgary's steep hills."

"I wish I had a bike that was strong enough to make riding uphill with the kids fun."


"I was standing in line with my kids for ice cream after a ride through the Rocky Mountains. I love riding my bike but I hate wearing bike shorts."

"I wish I had a bike that I could ride comfortably in normal clothes."


"I picked up my bike from getting routine maintenance and was left with a $500 bill. I love my bike but I hate the time and money it takes to maintain it."

"I wish I had a bike that required little to no maintenance."


"I was out for a ride by myself for the first time in years, I missed the feeling of freedom! It snowed the next day and I knew it would be 6 months before I rode again."

"I wish I had a bike that could handle any Calgary weather."

By this time, three of us had electric bikes. But even with a motor, much of our biking woes remained.

Sean, who was working at a local bike shop, met dozens of people in Calgary with similar stories to ours. He loved fitting customers to their new bike but ultimately, he knew that to give them what they really wanted - the perfect fit for Calgary riding -

he would have to design it.

That night, THe Bike was conceived and TuffHill eBikes was born. Four friends, two families. It just so happens that when you combine our last names, the Tuffs and the Hills, you get the worst part of biking, those tough hills. But no worries, even the steepest hills are the first of many barriers our ebikes overcome.

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